Nutrition & Raw Foods

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Nutrition & Raw Foods

About the show

Raw food pioneer David Wolfe presented his take on nutrition and "super foods." Raw food nutrition has "radically changed my life," he declared, explaining that eating the right type of diet can transform consciousness and raise energy levels. Many people have become disconnected from natural sources of nutrition and further, by cooking their food, they are deprived of its life energy and enzymes, he said.

Wolfe, who goes by the nickname of "Avocado," suggested daily consumption of vegetable juice, salads and leafy green vegetables. Cacao was one of the super foods he recommended. This natural form of chocolate is extremely high in minerals and antioxidants. In fact, the Aztecs once used the beans as money, he pointed out. Goji Berries are another super food he mentioned.

As far as water, Wolfe said he starts his day drinking a liter of water with lemon. The best type of water, he believes, comes from a natural spring, and should be purchased at that source. He was critical of water (even if filtered) that comes out of pipes, as he said it is corrupted by the pressurization process.

Time Traveler Convention

First half-hour guest, Graduate student Amal Dorai talked about the upcoming Time Traveler Convention at MIT, which he has organized. They are inviting actual time travelers to show up and bring proof of their claims. On the outside chance that one does appear, "it'll be one of the biggest scientific discoveries of all time," he said.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
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