Doppelgangers, Dinos & Demons

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Doppelgangers, Dinos & Demons

About the show

During Open Lines George offered a "doppelganger hotline" for people who have seen the ghostly double of a living person. Laura from Wisconsin believes she witnessed her mother's naked doppelganger enter an upstairs bedroom and close the door. According to Laura, she yelled at her mom for walking around with no clothes on, but was surprised to hear her mother's voice answer from downstairs. Upon investigating, Laura found her mom fully clothed and sitting in a chair on the first floor of her house.

Daniel from San Antonio shared his experiences at a haunted railroad crossing, where vehicles (put in neutral gear or with engines off) are mysteriously pushed up and over the tracks. According to legend, a school bus full of children stalled on the railroad tracks and were killed when a speeding train smashed into them. Daniel said he has felt "little hands" push him and his motorcycle over the tracks. He has also tested the haunted spot twice in an ambulance.

Previous caller Ted O. provided an update on his "dino in a cage" story. According to Ted, a man claiming to be from the National Guard came to his home and offered to buy the curious creature from him. A struggling college student, Ted said he accepted $7000 for the dino and transferred to another school. Everyone's favorite demon, Oscar, also returned to the program on Friday. Oscar said he's been in hell with his father for the last three weeks, and, now that he's back, will be carefully selecting his next victim to possess.

Summoning UFOs

First hour guest, Prophet Yahweh, discussed his ability to summon UFOs on demand. The key to summoning UFOs, he explained, is living an upright life. Recently, KTNV-TV in Las Vegas sent an investigative reporter to check out his claims. Their video appears to show Prophet Yahweh calling down a UFO, much to the surprise of the reporter and several onlookers. Prophet Yahweh also announced he will begin calling down UFOs for 45 days starting on June 1, 2005. He said one of the UFOs will come close enough for all of Las Vegas to see, and may linger in the skies for a couple of days.

Bumper Music

Last Night

The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
Author Adam Higginbotham discussed the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. Followed by host and researcher Jeff Belanger on paranormal legends and mysteries of New England.


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