UFO Roundtable

Hosted byGeorge Noory

UFO Roundtable

About the show

In this special 5-hour broadcast, 4-hours were devoted to a UFO Roundtable (the first hour was Open Lines). Topics delved into by the panelists Linda Moulton Howe, Grant Cameron, Bruce Maccabee, and Bob Wood included UFO crash retrievals, government documents & secrecy & ET motivations.

Linda Moulton Howe, reporter and editor for Earthfiles.com joined George live in the studio and kicked off the roundtable with discussion of the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles incident. Dr. Maccabee, a U. S. Navy Research Physicist, who's been active in UFO research since the late 1960s, discussed the analysis he's done on photographic evidence from the 1942 event. Grant Cameron, a researcher of the connection between alleged UFO crashes and meetings between American presidents and military leaders, said that there was a memo that mentioned 15 objects in the LA incident. He also noted that Pres. Roosevelt may have dealt with three UFO crashes during that period.

Bob Wood, a former aerospace engineer, who has spent years investigating a leaked government training manual for UFO crash retrieval that he believes is authentic, said there was a 5-page memo that went into amazing detail regarding the 1947 UFO crashes in New Mexico. At the time, he said, government agencies were all trying to keep each other from knowing what info they had and it wasn't till later that they coordinated their efforts with the formation of Majestic 12.

Linda Moulton Howe pointed out that the government had a "shoot down" policy regarding UFOs up until around 1954, which they decided to rescind because so many pilots and planes were being lost. Wood reported incidents where planes seemed to disappear, merging with unidentified craft on radar, and then no wreckage ever being found during searches. Cameron suggested that the US govt. believed the UFO issue was related to mental phenomena, and the CIA engaged a Mrs. Swann to communicate with aliens. Swann, who was a neighbor of Betty Hill, refused to have communications with the aliens Hill encountered, because she thought the "greys were evil," he recounted.

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