Alien Vehicles

Hosted byArt Bell

Alien Vehicles

About the show

Artist and researcher Bill McDonald returned to the show to share his analysis of alien craft. In his documenting of the Roswell incident,he said he created his illustrations based on interviews with 248 reliable witnesses. Describing the Roswell craft as a delta-shaped "metal crystalline" vehicle that was grown in layers, he stated it was capable of morphing under different conditions.

Such craft, McDonald detailed, involve the use of an interface, in which living minds merge with the ship's technology in order to perform navigations, such as traveling in hyperspace. This organic & machine collaboration is a direction human-designed spacecraft is headed in, he added.

McDonald surmised that the chromosomal degeneration of the UFO aliens has brought them here to Earth in order to conduct DNA harvesting, in which they can create a hybrid species as "heirs to their technology." Connecting three different witness testimonies, he also entertained the notion that the aliens could be time travelers. View McDonald's drawings of ET craft here.

'Gramaha' Message

Click here to read the text from the 'star being' known as Gramaha who was said to interrupt the broadcast of BBC Radio in 1977. Art discussed this case in the first hour of the program.

Last Night

The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
Author Adam Higginbotham discussed the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. Followed by host and researcher Jeff Belanger on paranormal legends and mysteries of New England.


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