The Spirit World

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Spirit World

About the show

An expert in spiritualism and hypnosis, Adrienne Felice shared her research into the spirit world. "The physical world is a prototype of the spirit world," which existed before the physical realm, she detailed. "It is where we come from," and contains an astral world followed by six more levels going to closer to God, she said.

She believes we are here in the earthly plane in order to learn lessons which we absorb through our emotions. In the spirit world, she noted that thoughts are instantly manifested into realities. This realm operates perfectly according to "Natural Law," in which for instance a person who goes swimming in a body of water, will be instantly dry when they step out, she explained.

The spirit world is a "beautiful place," she continued, in which things don't age or die. Flowers are always in bloom and can be experienced as music, while music is experienced as color and form in addition to sound. Once someone dies they will immediately find themselves in the astral world; they can also travel to this plane via astral projection, said Felice.

Mount St. Helens Update

First half-hour guest, volcanologist Robert "R.B." Trombley, Ph.D. discussed the recent volcanic activity at Mount St. Helens. At this point there have been no quakes as high as magnitude 2 which makes the possibility of an eruption less likely, he said. According to his software prediction program, he estimates there is an approximately 20% chance that Mount St. Helens may yet erupt in 2004.

Radio Ink Award

George Noory was the winner of Radio Ink's 2nd Annual Readers' Choice Awards in the Alternative Talk category. View the article.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
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