Interfering with Energy

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Interfering with Energy

About the show

"There is a whole other level of energy that is not electromagnetic," said investigative writer Jon Rappoport, the main guest on Thursday's program. Butgovernment interference has consistently quashed inventors who try to bring such new energy technologies into the marketplace, he said.

Beginning with the brilliant Nikola Tesla, whose notes were carted off after his death in 1943 and never seen in public again, to the 'orgone' experimentation of Wilhelm Reich, whose studies were actually destroyed by the government, Rappoport outlined a pattern of suppression. During the Cold War years, the government actually launched the "Invention Secrecy Act," he said. Rappoport connected such policies to the elite secret societies, which he believes have a vested interest in keeping the current power and energy structure in place.

And yet one closed community in Switzerland, known as Methernitha maintains "free energy" devices, though they don't seek to publicize their efforts he said. They are however a prime example of the kind of "decentralization of power," that is advocated by Rappoport.

Galileo Crash

Writer Marshall Masters and physicist Jacco van der Worp appeared during the Thursday's first hour to offer a warning about the Galileo probe which is scheduled to crash into Jupiter this Sunday. Because the retired NASA satellite contains plutonium, there is a chance it could cause fusion and turn Jupiter into a second sun, van der Worp explained.

Bumper Music

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