The Craft of Aliens

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Craft of Aliens

About the show

Artist and aviation expert Bill McDonald discussed how aliens interface with their spacecraft, and what their agendas might be. McDonald said he conducts rigorous research, building up composites based on numerous interviews and sources in order to formulate his drawings and conclusions.

Alien craft, Mc Donald explained, are integrated machine systems that have "the same complexity you'd see in a biological organism," with the pilot and the ship working as an organic unit. While his research indicates that matter/anti-matter may form the crux of their power systems, McDonald suggested that the alien brains themselves produce energy, that is then recycled through the craft. Grown at a molecular level, the outer craft have an incredible tensile strength that could allow them to withstand heavy radiation, McDonald theorized.

He delineated eleven different alien species who have been visiting Earth, and stressed that there is a major "harvesting" of human raw materials going on. "We are livestock to them," McDonald said. The aliens known as the "greys" have been heading for extinction, and "so they started an artificial process to sidestep evolution," McDonald said of one purpose behind the harvesting.

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