Michele Zirkle Marcum

Michele Zirkle Marcum


Michele Zirkle Marcum is an author from West Virginia who has written about her experience of her home being visited by a spirit manifesting itself as water coming from nowhere in her book "Rain No Evil". Eventually she was able to rid the evil from her home through an exorcism, but the story leading to it mixes infidelity, small town shenanigans and much more.



Past Shows:

  • Time Slips/ Home Demons

    In the first half, Jeff Belanger discussed time travel. Then Michele Zirkle Marcum talked about demons which invaded her life and her home.More »

Last Night

Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcist Bill Bean discussed demonic possession, his deliverance ministry, and various paranormal topics.
Art Bell Vault


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