David Wilcock

David Wilcock


David Wilcock is a professional intuitive consultant who, since reading Richard C. Hoagland's "The Monuments of Mars" in 1993, has intensively researched ufology, ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. He is the author of a critically acclaimed trilogy of scientific research works, known as the Convergence series, which gives definitive support to the idea that a change in matter, energy and consciousness is now occurring on the Earth and throughout the solar system.

Wilcock has appeared on broadcast television, lectured throughout the United States and Japan, published a variety of magazine articles and appeared on numerous radio talk shows. He is the co-author of the book "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce," now available in bookstores nationwide, and a summary of his latest scientific work appears therein, where a breakthrough case for mass, spontaneous DNA evolution on Earth is unveiled. David is also an accomplished musician and composer within a variety of styles, including jazz-fusion, meditative and world music.



Past Shows:

  • ET Secrets/ The Reality Illusion

    David Wilcock revealed shocking UFO revelations. David Icke warned about manufactured realities.More »
  • Evidence for ETs & Disclosure

    Researcher David Wilcock detailed the evidence for ET visitation. In the first half hour, Jay Weidner reported on a strange mummy found in Peru.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time traveled back to April 16, 2001, when the editor of Popular Communications Magazine, Harold Ort, joined Art Bell to talk about the world of communication and the evils of cell phones. David Wilcock also joined the show to discuss how we will one day...More »
  • Antarctica & Atlantis

    David Wilcock revealed that Antarctica may have been Atlantis, and an ancient ET race crash landed there, followed by Open Lines.More »
  • Numerology/ ET Wars

    Numerologist Glynis McCants describes how patterns of events unfold exactly according to the energy signature of specific numbers. In the first half, she discussed how the year 2016 is unfolding numerologically and what the numbers have to say about our world and the near...More »
  • Volcanoes & Earthquakes/ Soul Growth & Disclosure

    In the first half, John Dvorak, Ph.D. discussed the history and science of volcanoes, as well as the latest news on seismic activity and tsunamis. In the latter half, filmmaker, author, and researcher David Wilcock shared spiritual information about soul growth, ascension,...More »
  • Ancient ETs & Spiritual Evolution

    Filmmaker, author and researcher, David Wilcock, discussed a variety of topics including ancient civilizations and ETs, the secret space program, Genesis & End Times, as well as spiritual information about soul growth, ascension, and the evolution of consciousness. First...More »
  • Cycles & Reincarnation/ Cryptids & Coincidences

    In the first half, intuitive lecturer and filmmaker David Wilcock spoke about such topics as synchronicities, historical cycles, reincarnation, interconnectedness, the 'Hero's Journey,' and ascension. In the latter half, cryptozoologist Loren Coleman shared updates on...More »
  • George's Birthday Bash

    In honor of George Noory's birthday, Coast to Coast partied in grand style with special guests, each half hour, joining the program to help celebrate another complete orbit around the sun for George. In the first hour, intuitive researcher and filmmaker David Wilcock...More »
  • Synchronicity & Enlightenment

    Using history, astrology, and synchronicity theory, author and researcher David Wilcock discussed how there is a hidden architecture played out in cycles, guiding humanity toward enlightenment and spiritual progress. First hour guest, the co-founder of ConceptLabs, Peter...More »
  • UFO Intervention

    Intuitive researcher and filmmaker, David Wilcock, discussed how UFO intervention is thwarting efforts to start WWIII and how this interference is part of an organized movement toward a golden age of humanity. In the first hour, Col. John Alexander shared his thoughts on...More »
  • Time, 2012, & the Source

    Intuitive researcher and filmmaker David Wilcock talked about his vision for humanity, changes occurring around 2012, and his concept of the 'source field.' This field represents the source for space, the flow of time, physical matter at the quantum level, as well as for...More »
  • Bosnian Pyramid & New Physics - updated

    Guest host Rob Simone welcomed Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D., discoverer of the ancient pyramidal complex in Bosnia, during the first hour. Then, main guest David Wilcock shared his analysis of the Bosnian Pyramid and other ancient monuments, as well as his new physics theory of how...More »
  • Christmas Eve Special

    George Noory and friends celebrated Christmas Eve together on a live edition of the program. In the first hour, author and investigator Joshua P. Warren shared a Christmas Paranormal moment, followed by guests who appeared in individual half-hour segments: Rosemary Ellen Guiley,...More »
  • Crop Circles & Energy Points

    Intuitive researcher, lecturer and filmmaker David Wilcock discussed his recent research on crop circles and energy vortexes. First hour guest, UFO expert Nick Pope reacted to the news that Winston Churchill covered up a UFO event because he feared mass panic in the UK.More »
  • Prophetic Dreams & ET Disclosure

    Intuitive researcher and lecturer David Wilcock discussed his prophetic dreams and confirmations of major social realignment beginning this fall, potential for an ET disclosure from the U.S. government, and new information that evolution is driven by galactic energy fields. ...More »
  • Spontaneous Human Combustion

    Appearing during the first three hours, the Director of ParaScience International, Larry Arnold discussed his pioneering research into spontaneous human combustion (SHC)-- inexplicable incidents where people burn up while their surroundings show no signs of fire. Last hour...More »
  • 2012 & Human Evolution

    In the first half of the program, researcher and lecturer David Wilcock spoke about the year 2012, and presented scientific data which shows big changes are in store for humanity in the near future. Open Lines followed.More »
  • ETs, Whistleblowers, & 2012

    Intuitive researcher David Wilcock spoke about the existence of ETs, whistleblowers' testimonies, stargates, and the coming of 2012. First hour guest, researcher Mitch Battros offered analysis of the Yellowstone quake swarms.More »
  • 2012 & Parallel Realities

    Lecturer and researcher David Wilcock returned, sharing his perceptions about 2012 and parallel realities.More »
  • Psychic Dreamers

    Friday night's Open Lines featured a 'Psychic Dream' hotline for people who have seen glimpses of the future in their dreams...A caller from Indiana, who lives on the New Madrid fault, informed George that her upset stomach was the harbinger of a huge and terrible future event....More »
  • Energy, Transformation & 2012

    Intuitive consultant David Wilcock, who believes he may be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, returned to the show to discuss his life, and energetic changes that he sees coming to our planet and the solar system in 2012 and beyond.He commented on the recent Silbury Hill crop...More »
  • Cayce's Reincarnation?

    Author Wynn Free was joined by intuitive David Wilcock, whom he believes is the reincarnation of "the sleeping prophet," Edgar Cayce.More »
  • Future of Earth

    Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission and psychic David Wilcock discussed global superstorms on other planets and what this could mean for the future of Earth. (In this four-hour appearance, they also commented on the death of Eugene Mallove, in the first hour). Paramount in...More »

Last Night

Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
John Brakey and Tim White shared methods for ensuring transparent and verifiable election voting results. Followed by Bob Roth on the value of meditation.
Art Bell Vault


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