Michael Trudeau

Michael Trudeau


Michael Trudeau has been an Economic Advisor and Monetary Specialist for over fifteen years. During those years Michael also began a career in talk radio broadcasting under the tutelage of CBS's own Charles Kuralt. "Kuralt (as Michael explains) taught me many things about investigative journalism but the biggest thing I learned working with Charles was, how to talk about complex issues in terms everyone can relate to and understand." Michael began his career as a monetary specialist with one of the largest precious metals firms in the country. His field of expertise is the coming Cashless Society. Michael believes that we are headed for a "Cashless Society" perpetrated intentionally by the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Government.


Past Shows:

  • Cashless Society

    Guest Host Hilly Rose talked with monetary specialist Michael Trudeau about the dangers of a "cashless society" during the middle two hours of the show. According to Trudeau, we will be ushered into this cashless society by a mass distribution of smart cards (a plastic card...More »

Last Night

The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
Author Adam Higginbotham discussed the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. Followed by host and researcher Jeff Belanger on paranormal legends and mysteries of New England.


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