Barry Strohm

Barry Strohm


Barry Strohm uses the gift of spirit communication by means of a channeling board to bring information concerning life after death, reincarnation in humans and animals, alien presence on Earth and many other related subjects. His latest book, Aliens Among Us - Exploring Past and Present, is based on information channeled from alien spirits. In an upcoming book, Spirits Speak of Conspiracies and Mysteries, the author channels the actual spirits that lived the events to bring the reader the truth behind 27 of the greatest conspiracies and mysteries of our times.



Past Shows:

  • Spirit Board Revelations

    Spirit board communicator Barry Strohm joined guest host Dave Schrader (email) to explore the details of many of the world's most famous conspiracy cases. From what JFK had to say about his own assassination, to the words of General George Custer as he tells what happened at the...More »

Last Night

Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcist Bill Bean discussed demonic possession, his deliverance ministry, and various paranormal topics.
Art Bell Vault


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