Sir Martin Rees

Sir Martin Rees


Sir Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and Royal Society Research Professor at Cambridge University, is renowned for his extraordinary intuition in unraveling the complexities of the universe. He has been a leader in the quest to understand the physical processes near black holes and is responsible for major advances in our understanding of the cosmic background radiation, quasars, gamma-ray bursts, and galaxy formation. He has contributed to almost every area of cosmology and astrophysics and through his public speaking and writing he has made the Universe a more familiar place for everyone.



Past Shows:

  • Future Technology / Transhumanist Dangers

    Martin Rees discussed how humanity's future is linked to science. Followed by William Henry warning on the dangers of transhumanism.More »
  • Demise of Humankind?

    Astrophysicist Sir Martin Rees, the main guest on Monday night, discussed his new book Our Final Hour, which advances an alarming thesis: the odds are no better than 50/50 that our species will survive to the end of the twenty-first century.More »

Last Night

The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
Author Adam Higginbotham discussed the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. Followed by host and researcher Jeff Belanger on paranormal legends and mysteries of New England.


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