David Perkins

David Perkins


David Perkins has been a quiet investigator of UFOs since 1975. He has a Masters from Yale and is a brilliant, creative and thoughtful thinker in the field of cattle mutilations (mutes), UFOs, and the cultural implications of the so-called "paranormal." He is co-writing a follow up book with Christopher O’Brien that will be a complete analysis of the various theories that have been proposed over the years in regards to Cattle Mutilation. David was the formulator of the environmental monitoring theory to explain the mutes back in 1979 and was Linda Howe's still cameraman on A Strange Harvest.

Past Shows:

  • Cattle Mutilation Mystery

    The cattle mutilation mystery has endured for almost 50 years. Who or what is behind the death and disfigurement of livestock around the globe? George Knapp welcomed researcher Christopher O'Brien for a discussion of his in-depth examination and analysis of this enigma....More »

Last Night

Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
John Brakey and Tim White shared methods for ensuring transparent and verifiable election voting results. Followed by Bob Roth on the value of meditation.
Art Bell Vault


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