Ahmed Osman

Ahmed Osman


Ahmed Osman was born, studied law, and worked as a journalist in Egypt. He has been trying to discover the historical origin of the stories of the Bible for the last 30 years. He is the author of several books, including Christianity: An Ancient Egyptian Religion, Moses and Akhenaten, and The Lost City of the Exodus. He lives in England.


Past Shows:

  • Creatures Among Us / Reinterpreting Biblical History

    Rob Dunn discussed the creatures and microscopic life we share our homes with. Followed by Ahmed Osman on his re-interpretation of biblical history.More »
  • Egypt & Zahi Hawass

    Engineer & Egyptologist Robert Bauval discussed the recent revolution in Egypt, the fate of Antiquities Director Zahi Hawass, and some of the mysteries of the pyramids at Giza, and the Sphinx. Interestingly, while civilization has its roots in Egypt, the country has never had a...More »

Last Night

Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Is evil a metaphor for the bad things people do or does it prowl the earth like a living, breathing entity that possesses the souls of vulnerable humans? Author Ron Felber joins Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss what some are calling the most frightening book about demonic...
Art Bell Vault


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