Stan Michalak

Stan Michalak


Stan Michalak is presently in the last of three professions he has enjoyed over his lifetime. The first, the military, took him to postings overseas including a UN peacekeeping tour while in Army green, then a stint in Air Force blue after receiving his officer’s commission. His second career was with local media – first radio news at CKRC, then television news and current events programming at CKND. His third, and likely last, endeavor is graphic design. He is the son of the man at the center of the Falcon Lake UFO incident -- Canada's most celebrated UFO case.


Past Shows:

  • UFO Believers / Falcon Lake Encounter

    Diana Walsh Pasulka discussed UFO believers and journeys to New Mexico and the Vatican. Followed by Chris Rutkowski & Stan Michalak on the Falcon Lake UFO.More »

Last Night

Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
John Brakey and Tim White shared methods for ensuring transparent and verifiable election voting results. Followed by Bob Roth on the value of meditation.
Art Bell Vault


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