Patrick Henningsen

Patrick Henningsen


Patrick Henningsen is a native of Omaha, Nebraska and a graduate of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in California. He is currently based in London, England and is the managing editor of 21st Centry which covers exposés on intelligence, foreign policy, the war on terror, technology and Wall Street as well as climate change.


Past Shows:

  • Reincarnation/ Media Exposé

    In the first half of the show, hypnotherapist Dr. Bruce Goldberg talked about reincarnation, past lives, and a report that China says the Dalai Lama has to reincarnate. In the latter half of the show, writer, analyst and managing editor of 21st Century Wire, Patrick...More »

Last Night

Conflict Zones / Dream Potentials
Conflict Zones / Dream Potentials
First Half: Author and documentary filmmaker Robert Young Pelton is an iconoclast known for his entry into most of the world's conflicts over the last 25 years. He'll discuss current conflicts and how the outcomes will influence the US, as well as the changing structure of...
Art Bell Vault


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