Timothy Hay has served in a variety of public policy positions in Nevada, his home, and in Washington, D.C. Before serving in Washington as Legislative Counsel for Senator Richard Bryan, he was Nevada’s Budget Director, counsel to the Governor and Chief Deputy Attorney General for Taxation. In Washington he was primarily responsible for wilderness and public lands, environmental and energy issues, ethics, and Department of Defense and intelligence matters.
He returned to Nevada to become General Counsel to the Public Service Commission of Nevada and later served as a Commissioner of the Nevada Public Utilities Commission. During his later tenure as Nevada’s Consumer Advocate and Chief Deputy Attorney General he was also elected President of the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA). In additional to utility matters as Consumer Advocate he directed the enforcement of Nevada’s deceptive trade and consumer protection statutes and represented the state in state and federal antitrust actions. He has also served on a number of non-profit boards and been active in judicial education. He is currently an attorney and consultant in Reno, Nevada