Kurt Haskell

Kurt Haskell


Kurt Haskell graduated from Saginaw Valley State University with a degree in Biology, Thomas M. Cooley Law School, and Wayne State University Law School with an LLM in Taxation. He is a former tax attorney for the Internal Revenue Service and opened Haskell Law Firm in 2001 with his wife, Lori A. Haskell. Haskell specializes in Family Law, Estate Planning and Bankruptcy. He was on the flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day 2009 and witnessed the attempted bomber try and blow up the plane.


Past Shows:

  • Technology: Hits, Misses & the Future

    Business futurist Joel Barker commented on predictions made ten years ago in New York Times Magazine about what life would be like in 2010, as well as discussed the exciting new technologies on the horizon for the year 2020. In the first hour, Ian spoke with attorney Kurt...More »

Last Night

Conflict Zones / Dream Potentials
Conflict Zones / Dream Potentials
First Half: Author and documentary filmmaker Robert Young Pelton is an iconoclast known for his entry into most of the world's conflicts over the last 25 years. He'll discuss current conflicts and how the outcomes will influence the US, as well as the changing structure of...
Art Bell Vault


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