Ann Louise Gittleman

Ann Louise Gittleman


Visionary health pioneer and New York Times best-selling author of more than 35 books, Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS has been on the front lines of integrative and functional medicine for over 40 years. Always on the leading edge of health and healing, she considers herself an "accidental activist" when it comes to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Gittleman began to notice that many of her patients were exhibiting mysterious symptoms that defied diagnosis. To make matters worse, she herself was diagnosed with a benign tumor on the side of her head that she held her cell phone up to. She dug into the causes for both her own healing and that of her patients and determined that it all came down to electropollution.

With the addition of 5G, Gittleman warns, we will be living in an even denser electrosmog soup. These smaller 5G waves are unable to travel very far so transmitters will have to be nearly everywhere. Not only does this energy carry all of the risks of 4G, but scientists express concern about additional risks to the skin, eyes, heart, and immune system. Gittleman discusses the scientific data that shows how EMF pollution has reached the point of toxicity, creating symptoms such as chronic anxiety, migraine-like headaches, arrhythmia, nausea, ringing in the ears, and autoimmune illness. She also explains ways to protect ourselves from the prevailing threat, and what to expect with the new 5G rollout. A Columbia University graduate, Gittleman has been recognized as one of the Top Ten Nutritionists in the country by Self Magazine. She has received the American Medical Writers Association Award for Excellence and the Humanitarian Award from the Cancer Control Society, among many other honors.



Past Shows:

  • Dangers of EMF & 5G / Pleiadian Contacts

    Ann Louise Gittleman addressed the health dangers of EMF and 5G. Followed by Pleiadian contactees Dale Harder and Gosia.More »
  • Diet & Metabolism/ Afterlife & Deathbed Visions

    Ann Louise Gittleman shared secrets for reviving a sluggish metabolism. Carla Wills-Brandon discussed evidence of contact with the afterlife through deathbed visions.More »
  • Health Special

    Three separate guests discussed various health & medical issues. Dr. Leonard Coldwell proclaimed that any type of cancer can be cured within 2 to 16 weeks. Ann Louise Gittleman, a weight loss/detox expert, said weight gain may be associated with toxins or chemicals in the...More »
  • EMF Pollution

    Author and health pioneer Ann Louise Gittleman discussed the latest scientific data & case studies that show how EMF pollution has reached the point of toxicity, causing fatigue, irritability, weakness, and even illness, and how we can protect ourselves from the danger. ...More »

Last Night

The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
Author Adam Higginbotham discussed the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. Followed by host and researcher Jeff Belanger on paranormal legends and mysteries of New England.


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