Doug Drexler

Doug Drexler


Doug Drexler is an Oscar and Emmy award winner. His credits include Star Trek — The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, four Star Trek feature films, Battlestar Galactica, and currently Defiance. He has also won the British Academy Award, a Saturn Award, a Visual Effects Society Award and is also a Peabody Award recipient.


Past Shows:

  • Lost Civilizations & Races

    Independent researcher, Pat Chouinard, discussed his work investigating the myths and traditions of ancient civilizations, why he believes they were actually real, and how archaeological discoveries suggest there were different species of humans roaming the planet in the past. ...More »

Last Night

Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Is evil a metaphor for the bad things people do or does it prowl the earth like a living, breathing entity that possesses the souls of vulnerable humans? Author Ron Felber joins Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss what some are calling the most frightening book about demonic...
Art Bell Vault


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