June DeYoung

June DeYoung


Struck by lightning, and survivor of six near-death experiences, June DeYoung has been providing her psychic services to Hollywood and corporate leaders for over 30 years.


Past Shows:

  • Oil Issues/ Hollywood Medium

    In the first half, longtime business and energy journalist, James R. Norman, discussed how the US and its allies use the price of oil as an economic weapon. We're really involved in a global economic war-- particularly the US against China, he stated. In the latter half,...More »
  • Psychic Tales & Predictions

    June DeYoung has been providing her psychic services to Hollywood and corporate leaders for over 30 years. She shared some of her psychic techniques, Hollywood stories, and predictions for the future. First hour guest, Dr. Tullio Simoncini discussed his antifungal treatment...More »

Last Night

Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Is evil a metaphor for the bad things people do or does it prowl the earth like a living, breathing entity that possesses the souls of vulnerable humans? Author Ron Felber joins Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss what some are calling the most frightening book about demonic...
Art Bell Vault


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