Stuart Davis

Stuart Davis


Stuart Davis is all about the hyphens: Writer-Director-Actor-Comedian-Songwriter. Naturally, Stu's debut television series Sex, God, Rock 'n Roll allows him to play in myriad ways. His day job has always been rock 'n roll. Having performed thousands of shows and released 14 albums, Davis is a pillar of the showbiz carnival. But in the past few years he's been branching out into other forms of fun. Combining original songs, comedy sketches, and monologues, Stu's TV show is a mosaic of mediums that suits his multi-faceted passion.



Past Shows:

  • Truth About Opioids / Mantis Encounters

    Dr. Josh Bloom discussed misconceptions around the opioid crisis. Followed by Stuart Davis on his contact with an 8-foot tall Praying Mantis entity.More »
  • The Voynich Manuscript

    The Voynich manuscript is an illustrated codex hand-written in an unknown system that dates back to the early 15th century. To this day, no one has succeeded in deciphering the text. Spiritual artist and musician Stuart Davis and Professor of Linguistics StephenBax joined George...More »
  • Conspiracies & Parapolitical Analysis

    Historian and President of Washington Grove Institute, a think tank in Washington D.C, Webster Tarpley, discussed the conspiratorial mindset, and shared his intriguing analysis of current geopolitical and historical situations. More and more people are turning toward...More »

Last Night

Conflict Zones / Dream Potentials
Conflict Zones / Dream Potentials
First Half: Author and documentary filmmaker Robert Young Pelton is an iconoclast known for his entry into most of the world's conflicts over the last 25 years. He'll discuss current conflicts and how the outcomes will influence the US, as well as the changing structure of...
Art Bell Vault


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