Cheryl Cran

Cheryl Cran


A mother of 3 Gen Y children, Cheryl Cran has read all of the Twilight series and knows why the young generation is so fascinated by the vampire phenomenon. As a consultant, her firm Synthesis at Work analyzes trends that focus on leadership and communication strategies. Her research includes 15 years of generational focus groups, employee surveys, and audience response surveys.



Past Shows:

  • Solar Activity & the Universe

    Space scientist, filmmaker and mystic ecologist David Sereda discussed his latest research on differentials, energy, and the hidden codes in the Universe, as well as how sunspot activity is affecting the Earth. First hour guest, consultant Cheryl Cran talked about the...More »

Last Night

Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Is evil a metaphor for the bad things people do or does it prowl the earth like a living, breathing entity that possesses the souls of vulnerable humans? Author Ron Felber joins Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss what some are calling the most frightening book about demonic...
Art Bell Vault


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