Nancy Colier

Nancy Colier


Nancy Colier is a psychotherapist in private practice, an ordained interfaith minister, mindfulness teacher, relationship coach, author and blogger. She graduated from the University of Virginia, Columbia University School of Social Work, the Focusing Institute and One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. Mindfulness and Buddhist practices form the ground of her psychotherapy and spiritual counseling practice. A long time student of eastern spirituality and non-duality, Nancy helps to uncover the awareness, joy and presence that is the ground of well-being.

Her work serves to connect clients with their authentic truth, remember their body’s wisdom. and know for themselves that they are spiritual beings on a human journey. In addition to offering workshops and ongoing groups, Nancy has written several books and is a regular blogger for Huffington Post and Psychology Today.



Past Shows:

  • Technology Overload/ Inner-Earth

    Psychotherapist Nancy Colier discussed how our reliance on technology is rapidly changing us. Followed by Brooks Agnew on his Inner-Earth expeditions and theories.More »

Last Night

Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcist Bill Bean discussed demonic possession, his deliverance ministry, and various paranormal topics.
Art Bell Vault


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