Michael Brein, aka “The Travel Psychologist,” is an author, lecturer, travel storyteller, adventurer, and publisher of travel books and guides. He regularly appears in newspapers, magazines, blogs, and radio programs on the psychology of travel. Brein is the first to coin the term ‘travel psychology.’ As such, through his doctoral studies, work and life experiences, and world travels, he has become the world’s first and perhaps only travel psychologist.
His travel guide series shows travelers how to sightsee the top 50 visitor attractions in the world’s most popular cities easily and cheaply by public transportation. Brein regularly publishes the best travel tales of just about 1,750 world travelers and adventurers that he has interviewed during the last four decades of his own travels to more than 125 countries. Brein ferrets out the heretofore unexplored and untold true psychological netherworld that lurks just below the surface of most people’s travel experiences, bringing them into full transparent view.