Govt. UFO Files & Australian Cases

Govt. UFO Files & Australian Cases


Hosted byGeorge Knapp

An Australian researcher who focuses on government and military involvement in response to the UFO phenomena, Paul Dean, began tackling the problem directly and became instrumental in having the Australian government release hitherto classified and unseen files. He joined George Knapp to discuss his latest UFO case analyses, and the preservation of UFO-related records. "I've got absolutely no doubt that there has to be hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pages of UFO reports, evaluations, investigations, memos, commander's briefs, point papers, discussion pieces, etc." existing in the bellows of the US government, he remarked, likely kept in a variety of places and agencies including NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command).

Among the Australian UFO cases he described, was a 1999 incident in which the pilots of two separate planes reported an "unidentified green object in their vicinity" that climbed and descended vertically, and paralleled the path of one of the planes for some time. The planes were traveling between Darwin and Alice Springs in "Sector 11" which meant there should have been no other aircraft activity in that area, he explained.

Dean has been able to track where UFO documents flow by identifying some of the US military's special terminology, and NORAD comes the closest to being the central repository for such documents, he indicated. One of the terms, "OPREP-3" or Operational Report – Category 3, refers to very serious incidents, where the reports were sent to those in high command. Some of the OPREP-3 documents that Dean reviewed dealt with UFOs, such as a 1978 case involving the US Navy's Pinecastle Range in Florida-- an unidentified aerial object flashed different colored lights and was tracked on radar (more here). In Australia, he learned that "Contact of Interest" is the title for Australian government/military reports of UFOs tracked on radar, and/or exhibiting unusual movements.

Fukushima Update

First hour guest, Libbe HaLevy, producer and host of Nuclear Hotseat, detailed the "unimaginable" radiation levels at Fukushima that were assessed by the National Institute of Radiological Sciences. The mainstream media has been silenced as to what is truly going on in Japan, she declared, and people from Japan were told that they could not report symptoms of radiation. "We've recently learned that if doctors try and say anything connected with radiation they risk losing their place at the hospital where they practice or not being paid," she added. Ocean water that pours onto the Fukushima reactors is being held in temporary tanks by Tepco, and they claim to be treating the contaminated water, but she doubts they're able to remove all the dangerous radionuclides.

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