Restoring U.S./ Occult & Secret Societies

Restoring U.S./ Occult & Secret Societies


Hosted byGeorge Noory

In the first half, lecturer and commentator Charles Goyette spoke about the fractured American Dream, and how our freedom and prosperity can be restored. It's been 52 months since the recession began, and the worst may be yet to come, he warned. The median income of the American worker has fallen 12% for the college educated, and a staggering 47% for those with high-school educations. To restore freedom and prosperity in the US, a number of issues have to be confronted, he argued.

The first is to rein in the practice of "crony capitalism," which he described as the strong ties between bankers, corporate execs, and colleagues in high government posts (both Republican & Democrat) that end up negatively impacting the economy. He cited Robert Rubin as an example of a 'crony capitalist'-- he was co-chairman of Goldman Sachs, then became Clinton's Treasury Secretary, and afterward joined Citibank, encouraging them to take on more risk. Goyette also listed the Federal debt, the US military empire, and the failing dollar monetary system as challenges that people need to be informed about and seek to reform.


In the latter half, author James Wasserman discussed secret societies, their connection to the occult, as well as the Temple of Solomon. Originally built in 975 BC, the Temple was said to house the mysterious Ark of the Covenant. The temple represents a plan for higher wisdom or divine consciousness for human beings, which is in essence the basis for all secret societies, he said. Mystical secret societies convey tradition or knowledge, and are designed to lead people through a series of challenges that raise their consciousness, he continued. During the Inquisition, people had to be secretive about their non-conforming beliefs, and this drove them underground, he explained.

The Illuminati was a Bavarian mystical/political secret society formed in 1776 that sought to fight tyranny and social injustice. This group has no relation to the wealthy elite societies of today such as the Bilderbergers, he noted, though the name "Illuminati" is sometimes used to describe them. Wasserman also talked about the brilliant occultist Aleister Crowley, who had an in-depth understanding of the meaning of magic and the spiritual quest, and taught people how to gain power, and pursue their unique destiny.

News segment guests: Dr. John Apsley, Charles R. Smith



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