Free Energy Technologies

Free Energy Technologies


Hosted byJohn B. Wells

Sterling D. Allan, founder and CEO of PES Network, Inc and the New Energy Congress, joined John B. Wells (email) to reveal the top exotic free energy technologies. Accurate information about the free energy sector has long been suppressed by the powers that be and ignored by the mainstream media, Allan lamented. Free energy does not mean the technology itself has no cost, but rather the source of the energy is free for the taking, he noted. According to Allan, there are several free energy technologies in particular that have reached 'escape velocity' and can no longer be suppressed or prevented from emerging into the market place.

E-Cat is a cold fusion technology that utilizes nickel and hydrogen to produce large amounts of heat energy at a fairly low temperature (around 450 Celsius), Allan explained. He blamed hot fusion scientists at MIT for trying to kill off this technology before it was thoroughly tested. To date, cold fusion experiments have been replicated 17,000 times, he revealed. Allan recounted seeing Andrea Rossi's demonstration in Italy of a one megawatt plant, composed of reactor cores the size of D-Cell batteries, that produced half a megawatt of power in self-sustain mode for approximately five and a half hours. E-Cat technology was recently submitted for UL certification and ten-kilowatt home units could be available within 12-18 months, he said.

Allan spoke about a solid state Endless Electric Field Generator that harvests the motion of atoms to produce power. The inventors have had a low-power producing device operating continuously for two years, he noted. This technology could one day lead to a postage stamp size battery capable of powering a cell phone indefinitely, he added. Allan also reported on MP BioMass, a company that has discovered a way to convert CO2 from coal power plants into methanol fuel and oxygen, PlasmERG's engine that uses noble gases as fuel, and Defkalion, a Greek company that is working on a cold fusion process similar to E-Cat. Allan encouraged listeners to get informed about free energy technologies and involved in its emergence. For more information on free energy technologies, visit

Oklahoma City Bombing

In the first hour, director James Lane and writer/producer Holland Vandennieuwenhof talked about their new documentary on the Oklahoma City bombing, A Noble Lie.



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