Alternative Treatments

Alternative Treatments


Hosted byGeorge Noory

An advocate for homeopathy and biological medicine, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen, discussed beneficial natural therapies he's used to treat patients with a variety of ills. He is one of the few doctors to analyze a patient's "live" blood under a darkfield microscope. He looks at the shape of a person's blood cells, how they fill with oxygen, a kind of "dancing" within the blood, and even holographic images in the blood to make his diagnoses.

One of the most damaging things to a body is surgery which can create trapped inflammation that leads to blockages and disease, he said. In some of his cases, Dr. Bigelsen said he heals patients with neural therapy (injections into surgical scars that repairs nerves) and osteopathic techniques.

He detailed how he's courted controversy and endured legal persecution. "The reason I was attacked was because I wrote the first law in the United States in Arizona to break the AMA's monopoly," he explained. Bigelson also shared his theory that rather than germs, it is the terrain of the body that causes one to succumb to disease (specifically, if the body is too acidic, and the blood is too alkaline). A critic of the pharmaceutical industry, he said they dominate medicine and aren't interested in curing people.

Digital Currency

First hour guest, radio host Alex Jones warned of a plan afoot to establish a global digital currency that will control all other currencies. If this goes through, the global bankers will have domination over everyone, and be able to "dictate to the rich West, as they've been dictating in the last hundred years with gunboat diplomacy to the Third World," he declared. Jones also commented on his friendship with Charlie Sheen, and his recent meltdowns.

News segment guest: Gerald Celente




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