Electronic Harassment / Paranormal Techniques


Hosted byGeorge Noory

In the first half of the show, Dr. John Hall talked about his work with victims of electronic harassment, stalking, and mind control and how this CIA/NSA technology is being used to track and intimidate people. Typical cases involve intentional stalking and break-ins to a home, combined with use of electromagnetic technologies that can cause a victim to hear voices in their head or surroundings, he reported. Additionally, female victims are often drugged and sexually assaulted, he added.

Hall has concluded that some type of shadow government is behind the attacks, which are mainly being perpetrated as an experiment on random subjects to test how the population can be controlled in various ways. He recently attended the Bioethics Commission, and presented evidence that electromagnetic weapons experimentation was taking place non-consensually. Hall argued to the Commission that stronger legislation needs to be imposed to protect people from unethical experimentation.


In the latter half, author and investigator Joshua P. Warren discussed his new book, Poor Man's Paranormal, a manual on how to use household items to document such phenomena as ghosts and UFOs. A person doesn't neccesarily need expensive or high-tech electronic gear to adequately investigate the unknown, he noted. Paranormal activity seems to have some type of electromagnetic connection, and some of his techniques take this into account such as using a balloon to detect unusual electrostatic fields.

One could use a phone to record EVPs instead of a tape recorder, Warren suggested. Simply call your voice mail and "talk out loud to whatever you think might be there-- hold that phone up, and then later listen to the voice mail message and see if something comes through." Among the other techniques he shared, were using an AM radio to detect UFO interference, and making footprint casts with kitchen ingredients.



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