Intuition & Hypnosis

Intuition & Hypnosis


Hosted byGeorge Noory

In the first half of the show, Dr. Judith Orloff talked about her work as a "psychic psychiatrist," and the various types of intuition a person can tap into. As detailed in her book Second Sight, she shared how she's integrated her medical practice with her intuitive skills, which she's had since a child. A person can develop their intuitive side by quieting the mind, such as through meditation. By focusing more on gut feelings and inner listening, rather than the "linear mind," the more you can access the intuitive zone, where things like synchronicities can happen, she said.

Synchonicities are encounters with a kind of "perfect timing" and the more you are in touch with your intuition, the more these events will happen, she explained. Deja vu feelings, such as when a place or person seems familiar, are another form of intuitive thinking, and can be utilized to make judgments, she added.

Another technique she discussed is learning to ask for inner guidance. "That requires getting quiet...and then asking a question...and then waiting for any images, impressions, sights, smells, sounds, any impressions that come through. I stress that it's a receptive don't go after it, you wait for intuitions."


In the latter half of the show, hypnotist Rick Collingwood spoke about using hypnotism to enhance the quality of life for those affected by chronic disease such as cancer. Using "rapid induction" techniques, he practices a therapeutic form of hypnosis in which people are taken into the deep theta brain state, where their subconscious is more open to suggestions.

In his work with cancer patients he's been able to help them with reduction in pain, and to experience fewer medication side effects, better appetites and sleep, and increased feelings of well being. Most of the cancer patients he works with are Stage 4, so it's about helping them to pass peacefully, he noted. Collingwood also shared that the effectiveness of a session depends on the intent of the hypnotist-- the results are better when he focuses on his heart's desire for the patient to heal. To see Collingwood in action, check out a selection of clips featured on his YouTube Channel.



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