Mothman: Theories & Reports

Mothman: Theories & Reports


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Filmmaker and paranormal researcher Travis Shortt discussed his extensive research into the Mothman sightings. During the evening, filmmaker Charlie McCracken and author L.A. Marzulli joined the conversation. Witnesses in the Point Pleasant, WV area, such as Linda Scarberry, reported seeing a huge, terrifying winged creature starting in November of 1966. The recently deceased investigator John Keel was visiting the area at the time looking into UFO reports.

The winged creature sightings stopped after the collapse of the Silver Bridge in 1967, in which 46 people died, and many believe that Mothman was appearing to warn of the tragedy, or was perhaps the cause of it, Shortt detailed. Keel, himself, was getting messages and warnings that something was going to happen but wasn't able to pinpoint it to the bridge, Shortt continued.

Both Shortt and Marzulli believe that Mothman is a sinister, supernatural being, while McCracken, who tried to be as historically accurate as possible in making the "Dark Wings" documentary about the creature, suggested a dimensional explanation. Shortt noted that across various cultures and religions there are descriptions of winged creatures, messengers, and angels who sometimes bring devastating news.

Marzulli recounted his interview with Mothman witness Lawrence Gray who said a 6 ft.-tall winged creature appeared in his bedroom. It had large wings, no neck, and seemed to be bended together. It wore something like a robe, cast a silver glow, and was "the wickedest spirit I've ever felt," Gray told him. Marzulli connected the Mothman sightings to the alien abduction phenomenon, and their breeding program.

Operation STEMulus

Appearing briefly at the start of the show, Mark Eggerding talked about Operation STEMulus, which supplies needy families with fruit and vegetables.

Economy Commentary

First hour guest, trends analyst Gerald Celente offered commentary on the economy, and noted that the chasm between rich and poor is wider in the US than all of the other industrialized nations. He called for a kind of renaissance: we don't need Wall St., we need Main St.; we don't need Walmart, we need Mom & Pop shops, we don't need agribusiness, we need family farms.



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