Manson Connections & Conspiracies


Hosted byIan Punnett

Ian welcomed investigative journalist and author Adam Gorightly, who discussed his astonishing research into the connections and conspiracy theories surrounding mass murderer Charles Manson.

Gorightly detailed Manson's rise in the Los Angeles music scene, noting that he learned to play guitar in prison from Alvin 'Creepy Karpis' Karpowicz, and eventually met and recorded music with Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys. Gorightly said Wilson introduced Manson to his close friend Terry Melcher, Dorris Day's son, who also wanted to work on projects with Manson until things turned bad between the two men. Melcher moved out of his house just before the Manson "family" showed up for a killing spree, Gorightly added. Their victims included actress Sharon Tate, her unborn child, and three of Tate's friends.

Gorightly traced Manson's connection to several illustrious people, including David Berkowitz, the serial killer known as the Son of Sam. He said the late conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell was convinced that the Manson "family" and Berkowitz were involved in MK Ultra, a covert CIA mind-control program that sought to create programmed killers. Gorightly suggested Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon, was an MK Ultra puppet as well.

In addition, Gorightly revealed how Manson could be linked to Aleister Crowley disciple Kenneth Anger and Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey through musician and "family" member Bobby BeauSoleil, as well as Manson's tie-in to singer/songwriter Neil Young, and the woman who tried to assassinate President Ford, Lynette 'Squeaky' Fromme. Gorightly also spoke about Manson's involvement with Scientology and The Process Church of the Final Judgment, which the criminal mastermind admits started him down his dark path.

Murder of Jimi Hendrix

In the first hour James 'Tappy' Wright, a former roadie who worked for Jimi Hendrix, presented his claim that the famed guitarist was murdered by his manager, Mike Jeffery. According to Wright, Jeffery was deeply in debt to the Mafia. Unable to pay them back, Jeffery (and two colleagues) killed Hendrix for insurance money by forcing wine down the musician's throat until he drowned.

Beast of Bray Road

Author Linda Godfrey appeared briefly at the start of the program to talk about the Beast of Bray Road. Godfrey was recently interviewed about the legendary creature on Sean Hannity's America on FOX News (see article below).



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