Ghosts, UFOs & Anomalies

Ghosts, UFOs & Anomalies


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Investigator Joshua P. Warren returned, sharing his latest research on active paranormal sites, in places such as Puerto Rico. More than ever, he is seeing a relationship between UFOs, ghosts, aliens and cryptids-- and noticing that more than one type of these activities are taking place at specific locales. Time is a key component to paranormal mysteries, he commented, with ghosts tied to the past, and UFOs possibly connected to the bending of time/space.

Encounters with balls or spheres of light have been reported all over Puerto Rico, and sometimes people communicate telepathically with them, said Warren. He also discussed ghost photos, such as a 1950 image taken during a remodeling of the White House, which shows a transparent figure. In order to discern true photographic anomalies, he suggested taking photos of various physical phenomena such as dust, insects, and cigarette smoke to see how they appear on your camera.

Warren said he was trying to balance his research beyond just the use of electronic equipment, and had learned how to read auras. He also announced his upcoming contest to fake UFOs, and previous winner Jeff Wilson appeared briefly, speaking about his techniques for building small airborne objects.

SETI Update

First hour guest, Seth Shostak of SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) shared his reaction to the hostile emails he's received related to his skeptical position on UFOs coming from other worlds. He also discussed SETI's methods and the progress being made on the Allen Telescope Array.

Bumper Music