Mad Cow Disease in America


Hosted byGeorge Knapp

George Knapp was joined by former cattle rancher turned vegetarian and food safety activist, Howard Lyman. People don't have a clue about the seriousness of Mad Cow Disease (called CJD in humans), and as many as 450,000 Americans may have the illness which can take anywhere from 10 to 60 years to incubate, said Lyman.

The disease is thought to be spread via animal feed which contains ground-up animal parts. A 4 oz. burger, Lyman estimated, may have many as 500 to 1,000 different animals in it. Problematically, America only tests 1/10th of 1% of cows for the illness, and typically, older cows that would be more likely to have the disease aren't tested, he reported.

Lyman, who declared, "I don't eat anything with a face, a liver or a mother," offered these recommendations:

  • Don't consume wild animals such as deer and squirrels.
  • If you eat beef, make sure it's organic and naturally raised.
  • Avoid eating chicken-- the poultry is filled with hormones, chemicals and antibiotics and fed manure.
  • Shop at farmers' markets and grow your own vegetables.
  • If you purchase dairy, make sure it's organic.

John Lear Appearance

First hour guest, John Lear talked about how the Apollo lunar landings were faked in order to instill the idea that the moon is an airless, lifeless place. There are 4,000 astronauts in a secret corps, which is part of the US Strategic Command, and they first landed on the moon in 1962, and Mars in 1966, he suggested.

Animal Mutilations

During the first half-hour, George Knapp talked about his recent KLAS-TV investigation into the animal mutilation mystery. View Part I, Part II.

Bumper Music