Philadelphia Experiment & Secret Tech.

Philadelphia Experiment & Secret Tech.


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Investigator of alternative technologies, Joseph P. Farrell discussed his research into secret military projects such as 'the Bell' made by the Third Reich, and the Philadelphia Experiment conducted in the United States. Both projects may have incorporated Einstein's Unified Field Theory, and made use of rotating magnetic fields and torsion physics, working with spirals of space itself, he explained. Such technology could be at use in a secret space program, that runs parallel to NASA, he added.

He cited the Philadelphia Experiment research of Howard Strom and Debra Cunningham (who appeared on C2C on 9/15/03), and suggested that some of what happened in 1943 may have been an unexpected result of a goal to achieve radar stealth. Farrell also spoke about the work of Morris Jessup, the letters of Carlos Allende, and the curiously annotated 'Varo' edition (PDF link) of Jessup's book. The Varo edition suggested that the technology which made the USS Eldridge invisible in the Philadelphia Experiment was also involved in ancient cosmic wars.

According to ancient texts, such wars might have played out 3.2 million years ago when a planet was exploded in our solar system, said Farrell. He further hypothesized that the pyramid at Giza could have been used as a kind of hyperdimensional weapon to blow up a planet-sized object. Richard C. Hoagland appeared for a segment in the last hour to comment on Farrell's theories.

Jones Commentary

First hour guest, radio host and filmmaker Alex Jones reacted to Ted Turner's comments published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about Earth being overpopulated. Jones expressed concern over "the Elite" deeming to play God and reduce the population through the auspices of a one-world government.

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