Moon Hoax & Back Seat Calls

Moon Hoax & Back Seat Calls


Hosted byGeorge Noory

During Open Lines, George offered a special hotline for callers who believe we never landed on the moon. Heather from Spokane questioned NASA's Apollo moon landing photographs. She said they looked like they were done in a studio. A caller named George thought the American flag planted by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the surface of the moon appears to be waving in the wind. Ron from the "Show-Me" state wondered why we cannot simply point a telescope at the moon and photograph the Lunar Lander site.

Later in the program, George offered a 'back seat' line for those who have ever felt that someone was riding in their back seat. Mary Jo shared a story of her daughter's encounter with a handsome, curly-haired blond man in her back seat. According to Mary Jo, her daughter saw the man in her rear view miror and when she looked again he was gone. She believes the man was Satan, and said she had the car blessed. Mary Jo also recalled the time a UFO crashed on her family's Iowa farm in the mid-50s.

Hollow Earth Update

In the first hour, physicist Brooks Agnew talked about his recent trip to the Potala in Tibet. While there he was shown a Buddhist stupa (see photos) that he believes shows a Tesla coil as well as evidence for a hollow Earth. Agnew also discussed his upcoming expedition to the North Pole, where he hopes to find the entrance to the inner Earth.

Buzz Aldrin Interview

In honor of the 38th anniversary of the first manned Moon landing, George played audio from his 7/31/06 interview with Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin during the first half-hour.

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