Alien Abduction & UFO Disclosure

Alien Abduction & UFO Disclosure


Hosted byGeorge Noory

In a special evening devoted to alien abduction research & UFO disclosure, three guests appeared. First was Jeremy Vaeni, an abductee, writer/director, and columnist for UFO Magazine. He spoke about some of his teenage experiences, such as witnessing a triangular craft while driving with his mother, and his encounters with beings in his bedroom.

Prominent abduction researcher Budd Hopkins came on for a segment, reviewing some past cases and assessing the current situation. He noted that people have incurred much "emotional scarring" from their interactions with ETs, and that their hybridization program casts "a long shadow over the future."

Joining the show for the final two hours was UFO activist Steve Bassett who continues to be a leading advocate for ending the 60-year, government imposed "truth embargo" regarding an extraterrestrial presence on our planet. He believes we are inching closer to disclosure, and that in the past there was a major breach between the military and the administration on this subject.

Bassett listed a number of noteworthy people who have made statements either acknowledging an ET presence or calling for more openness on the subject: former Clinton advisor John Podesta, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Paul Hellyer, Canada's former Sec. of Defense, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington, and retired Lockheed scientist Boyd Bushman. Countries such as France, England, Mexico and Brazil have been opening up documents on UFO cases and may be signaling that they are tired of deferring to the United States and its policy of secrecy, he added.

Tax Protestors Update

During the first half-hour, tax protestors Ed & Elaine Brown shared an update. They are barricaded in their home but power has been shut off. Radio host Alex Jones commented on their situation, saying that the payment of income taxes has never been ratified into US law.

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