Mind Control & Manipulation

Mind Control & Manipulation


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Author and researcher Nick Begich returned for a discussion on the latest developments in mind control technology and electronic manipulation. Recent attention to the issue has come from a lengthy article published in the Washington Post as well as a study concerning US electromagnetic weapons and human rights (PDF file) from Sonoma State University. The Defense Dept. has received priority funding for "non-lethal" dual purpose weapons that can be used for both domestic crowd control as well as against adversaries on the battlefield, he reported.

Some of the weapons function by sending an external signal that the brain locks onto, and often there are no effective countermeasures, said Begich. He suggested that the ethics of using mind control technology should be brought before Congress and debated, and that some type of regulations like those we have for chemical and biological weapons could be set up.

Begich also spoke about RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology and how the tagging can now be printed with invisible ink. Additionally, he warned that currency such as dollar bills may soon have RFID tags embedded in them, allowing for excessive tracking and invasions of privacy. However, technology itself is not inherently bad, commented Begich (whose next book will be on technology & positive life enhancements)-- we just need to make sure it's not misused.

Quake Update

First hour guest, geologist Jim Berkland shared an earthquake update. March, April and October are the months which have the largest seismic windows, and quakes often follow record rainfalls, he said. There is a 90% chance of a 6 magnitude quake in Southern California this year, he added.

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