JFK Assassination Special IV

JFK Assassination Special IV


Hosted byGeorge Noory

In a special 4-hour program, various guests individually presented information and conclusions about the conspiratorial aspects of the JFK assassination. In the first hour, Paul Groody, the mortician in charge of Lee Harvey Oswald's burial, and the exhumation of his body in 1981, presented details about a possible second 'Oswald.' In November 1963, he said he removed the top of Oswald's skull as part of the postmortem procedure-- yet the exhumed body's skull showed no markings or damage.

Author Jim Marrs noted that a paraffin teston Oswald showed that he didn't have gunpowder residue, as a person would that had fired a rifle, and that voice stress analysis of his statement "I'm just a patsy," suggested he was telling the truth.The problem, said Marrs, is that Oswald never got a fair trial. Kennedy, he said, may have become a target because he authorized the printing of money through the Treasury (which was interest free) instead of using the Federal Reserve.

Researcher Lamar Waldron updated his work with new details from FBI files concerning mob lawyer Morris Shenker and the confession of one of Shenker's clients. Three Mafia bosses organized the killing of JFK, Waldron reported, and Bobby Kennedy couldn't prosecute them because they had information about a coup JFK had planned in Cuba.

Radio host and filmmaker Alex Jones posited that the JFK assassination was a case of infighting amongst the Global Elite, and that Kennedy sided with the European elite, rather than the American/British branch. LBJ was a puppet for the Elite and the Mafia provided "low level trigger men," said Jones, who argued that JFK was killed for a "cocktail of reasons" including his plan to withdraw troops from Viet Nam.

Author Brad Steiger cited the possibility that Howard Hughes was involved in the assassination, as he was a passionate Nixon supporter. He also outlined the connections between David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby and the city of New Orleans.

Additionally, a caller to the show named Velma, 85 years old, shared her account of seeing a gunman running out of a building at Dealey Plaza. Neither his appearance nor gun matched that of Oswald's, she said, adding that she kept quiet for many years to protect her family. For more on the JFK assassination, check out recaps from our shows in 2003, 2004 and 2005.

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