Singularity & UFOs

Singularity & UFOs


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Author and UFO enthusiast David Sereda returned for a discussion of his new book Singularity, which merges ideas from quantum physics with ancient teachings of religion and spirituality. He also presented highlights of his research regarding NASA UFO footage.

Sereda refuted NASA's contention that objects seen outside the Shuttle are "space junk," saying that the UFOs captured on video (such as one he described as looking like a "golden mean rectangle") are much further away than debris which would appear smaller. He also agreed with the notion that NASA has a dual space program, and cited reports of "giant triangles" seen east of Riverside County, which he said may be made by Lockheed Martin.

The germination for his new book Singularity came from a visitation he said he received from a "powerful being of light" in 1994, in which he was given a set of teachings that he later cross referenced in current science and ancient texts. Humanity suffers from three forms of inertia brought on by duality, but by experiencing singularity or oneness, we can surmount these limitations and begin interstellar travel, he outlined.

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