Synthetic Solutions

Synthetic Solutions


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Charles Ostman, senior fellow at the Institute for Global Futures, discussed Synthetic Biology-- how and why it is being developed.

The world needs a solution or toolbox for an enterprise of synthetic technology to replace the traditional method of creating items such as drugs, that is complex and expensive, for children in poorer worlds, he argued. A "micro" being could do this for a fraction of the cost, Ostman suggested. We are already living in a world full of non-human intelligence with computers and automated technology talking together to do the complex tasks of today, he added.

Ostman also spoke of his future map constructions, disaster studies and the threat of nuclear war. He said his main worries are not North Korea, but an alliance between Iran and Pakistan.

Robert Felix

In the first hour, Robert Felix gave his insight to what he believes are signs of an upcoming ice age. Felix presented several facts that he claims are proof of an ice age to come in the next few years, such as Arctic ocean waters are heating up, volcanic activity has been at its strongest with underwater volcanic activity increasing, and in the last 10 years, three of the worst snow storms on record, within the last century, have occurred.

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