World War III & Nostradamus

World War III & Nostradamus


Hosted byArt Bell

A world authority on prophecy and Nostradamus, John Hogue discussed the accelerated sequence of events which he thinks indicate World War III has begun.The following Nostradamus quatrain is one that he presented to support his conclusion:

In the year when Saturn and Mars are equally fiery,
The air is very dry, a long comet:
From hidden fires a great place burns with heat,
Little rain, hot wind, wars and raids.

Both Saturn and Mars are astrologically in the fire sign of Leo and we are currently undergoing an intense heat wave, he noted. And the long comet could actually be a description of the missiles that are being launched between Israel and Lebanon. However, World War III, as Hogue sees it, is different than the previous world wars. It is more like a "thirty year" war characterized by flare ups that explode, diminish and flare up again. He sees the civil war in Iraq and the Ayatollahs in Iran as trigger points for radical Islam, and sources for escalating the conflict in the Middle East.

SETI & ET Signals

First hour guest, Dr. Steven Greer said that he had three corroborative inside sources who claim that on a number of occasions the SETI Project had received a barrage of intelligent extraterrestrial signals. So many in fact, that an outside agency began externally jamming the transmissions. Greer believes the Project may be compartmentalized, so that not all of its members are in the loop.

As to why major media has not picked up this story, he noted that according to a declassified CIA memo (PDF file) he retrieved, the CIA has a relationship with various outlets to suppress stories they believe might affect national security.

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