Self-Ascension & Archangelic Realm

Self-Ascension & Archangelic Realm


Hosted byGeorge Noory

During the first half of the program, George chatted with Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa of The Temple of Self-Ascension. Kaa said that "we are in a time of escalating energy" caused by a change in the vibration rate of Earth (Shuman Resonance). Because of this frequency shift, he explained, humans are experiencing the effects of a 24-hour day in 16 hours.

Raa pointed out that there are 22 symptoms associated with this shift, including anxiety and ringing in the ears. She provided four tips for dealing with these ascension experiences:

  • Drink lots of fresh oxygenated water
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Take time to communicate with the 'divine within'
  • Practice 'breathing gratitude'

The two also discussed the nature of evil, the archangelic realm and Raa's death experiences, which she claims allow her to communicate with archangels. Kaa said when the 'archangelic ensoulment' occurs Raa appears to be dead and an archangelic being speaks through her, dispensing wisdom and giving off such powerful energy that witnesses of the event receive spontaneous healings and sunburns.

The final two hours of Friday's show featured Open Lines with a special topic line for callers who wanted to share their scariest experiences.

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