Hauntings, Shadow People & Dreams

Hauntings, Shadow People & Dreams


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Paranormal investigator and author Rosemary Ellen Guiley discussed her work with ghosts, demonic hauntings, and Shadow People, and also highlighted her dreaming research. There appears to be a rise in negative hauntings and "nasty portals" being ripped open which allow dark energy to come through may account for this increase (9-11 in particular created a "massive rip"), she said. Such negative hauntings may be instigated by thought forms, low level demonic entities or opportunistic spirits, detailed Guiley, who spoke about the "soul eater" home in New Jersey, that appeared to harbor many spirits of deceased people who had once lived in the house. One unhappy ghost is believed to be the source of violent poltergeist activity there.

Guiley is currently engaged in data collecting on the Shadow People phenomenon and has divided incidents into two categories. The first is a bedtime/nighttime visitor, usually not harmful, that appears to enter through the sleeping state of consciousness. The second type is a more ghost-like apparition, seen often peripherally, flitting around corners or on stairs. Interestingly, she suggested that we might manifest as Shadow People to beings in other realms.

A person can use "incubation" to enhance and seek guidance from their dream states, she shared. One of the easiest methods, said Guiley, is to "auto program" yourself before going to sleep-- suggesting that you will dream about a particular issue, remember the dream upon waking and derive some type of solution/message from it. Herbs such as mugwort (drunk in tea, or put in a sachet under the pillow) have been associated with enhanced dreams, as well as catnip tea, St. John's Wort and melatonin, she noted.

Hawking's Statement

First half-hour guest, Robert Zubrin of the Mars Society shared his agreement with Stephen Hawking's recent statement that humans must colonize space in order to ensure their survival. The US space program has been stagnant since the 1960's and our immediate goal should be to start developing an outpost on Mars, said Zubrin

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