Prophecy, History & Nostradamus

Prophecy, History & Nostradamus


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Renowned scholar of Nostradamus and other seers, John Hogue, shared prophetic insights and historical perspectives. He paralleled the current immigration issue to the latter period of the Roman Empire when migration of tribes such as the Goths contributed to Rome's decline. Hogue warned that rising sea levels could lead to immigration on an unprecedented scale from countries such as Bangladesh.

In reviewing the Nostradamus quatrain that notes "when Mars and Saturn will be in Leo," a long comet will be seen in the skies, Hogue cited the period of June 4th through July 22nd, 2006 as being possibly applicable. Yet instead of a comet such as 73P, he believes Nostradamus may have been describing a missile attack, possibly nuclear. In another quatrain, he writes of the "great city of the maritime ocean surrounded by a swamp of crystal" that will be tried by a great wind. Hogue suggested that the image of crystal may be how Nostradamus viewed skyscrapers in his period, and that this quatrain might be predicting a major typhoon in a city in the Southern Hemisphere such as Shanghai or in Australia.

Hogue also spoke about an inner revolution and how as few as 200 people could change the psychological climate of the world. Like a "Noah's Ark of consciousness" a new field of awareness could surround and rebalance the planet, he said.

Immigration Commentary

First hour guest, lecturer and author Frosty Wooldridge offered commentary on the issue of illegal immigration that has been raging in the U.S. He argued that illegal immigration is taking an excruciating toll upon the country, and that America needs to secure both its North and South borders. Instead of allowing an influx of undocumented people into the US, he believes America should help other countries become more economically viable and aid them in reducing overpopulation.

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