Psychic Forecast

Psychic Forecast


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Acclaimed psychic Sylvia Browne appeared for the 2nd and 3rd hours of the show, sharing her forecast for 2006. Among her predictions:

The weather will be even worse this year than 2005, with hurricanes in the Northeast, and floods in the Southeast, and more tornadoes than ever before. She blames "this damn warming trend."

  • Two large quakes will occur in Asia, with smaller ones in Washington and California.
  • There will not be a worldwide bird flu pandemic-- the disease will be mainly confined to Asia.
  • New health treatments include an insulin replacement for diabetes, a vaccine for stomach-related cancers, a breakthrough in MS involving the hypothalamus gland, and a vaccine that blocks the need for nicotine.
  • Gold and property remain good investments.
  • The popularity of Pres. Bush and Gov. Schwarzenegger will continue to slide downwards, and Congress and the Bush administration will be embroiled in more scandals.
  • Troops will begin returning from Iraq.
  • Trains and trucks continue to concern her as far as safety and terrorism.
  • The 2008 election will be between Kerry and McCain, and Kerry will win in a close vote.

The 4th hour and an additional 5th hour were devoted to Open Lines, with some callers reacting to the breaking story concerning the misreported news about the rescue of W. Va coal miners.

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