Predictions for 2006 - Part II

Predictions for 2006 - Part II


Hosted byArt Bell

Art Bell continued with a second night of callers' predictions for 2006 during his annual New Year's Eve Prediction Show. The following is a small sampling of the forecasts Coast listeners made for the coming year:

  • Two former U.S. presidents will die of natural causes; another will be diagnosed with dementia.
  • Israel will make a pre-emptive strike on Iran under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu; Israel will also launch an attack against the West Bank.
  • There will be planetary communications outages caused by 'disappearing' satellites.
  • Bird Flu will hit the U.S. in November 2006.
  • There will be some kind of space disaster with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
  • A war will be fought on American soil; Conflict will erupt between America and Mexico over the building of a border wall.
  • Astronomers will find two huge celestial bodies (50- and 88-times larger than Earth) in elliptical orbits beyond Pluto.
  • Condoleeza Rice will get pregnant by somebody in the current administration.
  • NASA will locate a large asteroid on an impact course with Earth.
  • One of the secrets of Coral Castle will be revealed.
  • Art and Ramona Bell will adopt a 14-year-old Native American boy.

Art also listed several predictions from 2005 that came to pass as well as some that to his recollection did not come true, including New York City being hit by a virus, a nuclear explosion in India, democracy in North Korea, a hostile act against U.S. carrier in the Gulf, the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant, no voting in Iraq and the revelation that time travelers are among us.

Coast Memories 2005- Part II

We've posted Part II of some of the responses we received in our call for listeners to share their favorite Coast to Coast moment, dialogue exchange or revelation from 2005. Don't forget to also check out Part I.

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