Physics & Spirituality

Physics & Spirituality


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Author and ufologist David Sereda returned to the show to illuminate the correlations between theoretical physics and spiritual wisdom. He pointed out how the duality of human nature-- such as good and evil, is mirrored in the atomic structure with its positive and negative components. Yet, light, he said, is the only particle in physics that is non-dual or "single" even though it does encounter inertia.

Relating this to the spiritual, Sereda noted that Jesus said: "If thine ye be single, thy whole body shall be filled with light." He also cited the paper of physicist Paul Dirac, The Equation of the Sea of Negative Energy (view Don Hotson's article --PDF file-- on this topic), as first presenting the discovery of "Singularity." In such a place, duality, time and conflict no longer exist, Sereda explained.

While individuals might move towards the Singularity through prayer and meditation, he said eventually there could be a physics model for such a concept, which could allow spaceships to enter into it and travel to locations in our galaxy much faster than the current speed of light.

Recycling New Orleans

First hour guest, Barry Fisher of Prime Environment International discussed his company's goal to recycle the miles of debris piled around New Orleans. Their technique involves grinding up and reprocessing debris and then turning it into new building materials.

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