Crop Circles & Resonant Viewing

Crop Circles & Resonant Viewing


Hosted byIan Punnett

Director of the Institute for Resonance, Dr. Simeon Hein, shared his theories and scientific analyses of crop circles, as well as information about resonant viewing.

In June 2002, Hein and the Rocky Mountain Research Institute conducted a crop circle experiment in a Kansas wheat field. The group created a 12-foot diameter formation using a stalk-stomping board. According to Hein, their manmade circle changed the static electricity meter by more than 2500 volts. They also discovered strange light anomalies in photos taken at the formation. Hein believes this experiment shows that manmade crop circles can produce paranormal effects. View more crop circle images here.

Oregon Bulge Update

In the first half-hour, R.B. Trombley of SWRC gave an update on the growing land bulge in Oregon. The most likely cause of the bulge is magma accumulation in the Earth's crust, he said. Trombley believes there is no immediate danger and calculated a 33% chance of volcanic eruption in the region this year.

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